Sometimes when I'm alone and being very still I hear God speak. His words are so different from mine and I love the way they flow through me and around me, making themselves at home. A few years ago I was feeling very alone and fearful. Trust has always been challenging for me and it was during this season the Lord spoke to me. The book of Isaiah is one of my favorites and I had been studying Isaiah 26 quite a bit. I asked God all the time to make himself known to me in a way that I had never experienced before and to help me make this scripture passage a part of me.
Eventually, I heard him talk to me like he loved me, like I was important to him and that before I could ever really trust anyone starting with him would be a good idea. I hope as you read this, you will hear God speaking to you and these words will encourage you to put your faith and trust in him.
Isaiah 26:3 “You, Lord, give perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm and put their trust in you.”
Beloved, you are my child and I love you. You are a blooming flower and I will care for you. I will be your nourishment and give you rest. I will provide for all of your needs and never will I leave your side. I have always been here, watching over you. Never have you been alone. When your heart was heavy I carried you. When you were frightened I comforted you. When you were hurt I hurt with you. When you cried I cried too. When you were joyful my heart was filled. When you had victory I had victory too.
Beloved, let my heart be your heart. Be one with me and know that I will always be here. Do not be distracted by the things of this world, but lean on me. Follow me and I will fill you up. My heart has always been filled with love for you, do not ever doubt. I am all around you, you are never really alone. When you confess that I am your King my heart rejoices, all I really want is to be one with you.
Oh my child, so long I have waited for you. It is I who makes your path straight. It is I who goes before you and comes behind you, hemming you in. It is I who stand against the evil forces that come against you. It is I who protect you and promise to never leave you or forsake you.
You are blinded by the things of this world. Filled with doubt and fear, wondering which way to turn. You are like a leaf blowing in the wind, turning this way and that, you who claim to be my follower, you who call me King. Where is your heart? This road I have laid out for you and this road I will walk with you. When you forget, I will pick up the pieces and put you together again. Do you not see how much I love you and want you for my own? I call you beloved because you are mine. I claimed you even before you were born. It is I who gives you perfect peace, and keeps your purpose firm; you only have to trust in me.
Prayers For Charleston
9 years ago
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